Effectiveness of Integrating Science Process-Skills in Teaching Mathematics on Students’ Problem-Solving Abilities and Creativity by Gender in Secondary Schools in Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya
Mathematics is a product of man's inquiry on natural phenomena which awakens logical thinking contrary to accumulation of facts to satisfy man’s curiosity to subdue the environment. Inadequacy of qualified personnel especially in mathematics and scientific fields implies insufficiency in food production, insecurity, poor health services and slow technological upbeat in a country.
Science process skills are basic concepts which do nurture cognitive and affective skills akin to problem solving abilities and creativity and innovativeness in mathematics and sciences. The study investigated the effectiveness of integrating science process-skills in teaching mathematics on students’ problem solving ability and creativity in by gender Tharaka-Nithi County in secondary schools. Solomon Four Group Design was utilized where eight schools participated with four Boys’ schools and four Girls’ schools. Piloting was done in Embu County in a school not participating in the main study to ascertain the reliability and validity of instruments. Data analysis was facilitated using a Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 23.0 Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics such as t-test, and ANOVA were utilized. Hypotheses were tested at α = 0.05 level of significance. The findings established that integration of science process-skills in teaching mathematics significantly improved the students’ abilities irrespective of gender. The study findings recommend that stakeholders, policy makers, curriculum developers and teachers to embrace integration of science process skills for meaningful learning towards technological realignments in Kenya