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dc.contributor.authorKuria, Kamweru P
dc.contributor.authorRobinson, Owino O
dc.contributor.authorGabriel, Mutinda M
dc.identifier.citationInternational Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)en_US
dc.description.abstractHumidity and Temperature are crucial parameters for the optimal response of biological systems e.g. each has its own impact on growth and production of quality crops. There are several techniques of measuring humidity and temperature. However, there is still a need for continuous technological innovation to enable fast, real time and remote monitoring of these parameters. The aim of this study research was to fabricate a functional hardware and software system to measure temperature and humidity. The system was designed to allow multiple communication with user by recording of the data in Real time, storing the acquired data in an SD card, incorporate an alarming system (piezo buzzer) together with an LED indication mechanism. The study utilized an Arduino Nano board interfaced with a Temperature and Humidity sensor, Real Time Clock (RTC), LCD, and Micro SD card Module, piezo buzzer and LED, and had the ability to store the data as text file. A code was generated using the computer with the appropriate Arduino program and sent to the Arduino microcontroller for running the circuit. To study the performance characteristics of the Arduino-based humidity and temperature sensor, two independent running test were done, one outside the Physics laboratories and the second inside a Green House, both at Chuka University, Kenya.en_US
dc.subjectArduino Nanoen_US
dc.subjectTemperature and Humidity sensoren_US
dc.subjectReal Time Clocken_US
dc.subjectmicro SD card moduleen_US
dc.titleMonitoring Temperature and Humidity using Arduino Nano and Module-DHT11 Sensor with Real Time DS3231 Data Logger and LCD Displayen_US

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