Toponemia kama utambulisho wa jamii:mfano kutoka jimbo dogo la maara nchini kenya
This study was based on onomastics that focused on the analysis of the processes involved in the formation of primary schools toponyms as an identity of the people of Mwimbi and Muthambi. The research was conducted in Mwimbi and Muthambi regions of Maara Sub County. The study was guided by the following objectives: to investigate the criteria used in the formation of primary schools toponyms in Mwimbi and Muthambi regions, Morphological processes involved in the formation of schools toponyms and the importance of toponyms as identity of the people of Mwimbi and Muthambi. The research was guided by Naming theory, Discourse and Text analysis Theory and the Morphological Lexical Theory. The data collection was done through Interview schedules and the questionnaires. Interview enabled the researcher to ganner original and accurate information from the respondents directly. Questionnaires provided adequate information within a short period of time and from a large population. The target population was residents of Mwimbi and Muthambi region. Purposive sampling was done by involving 5 Chiefs from 5 locations and 25 Assistant Chiefs from 25 sub locations of Mwimbi and Muthambi region. These administrators were chosen because they were residents of the area and had the knowledge of each region; consequently, they provided accurate information concerning the research questions. Another sample of 20 elders aged above 70 years was purposefully selected using the snowball method to explain the process invoved in the formaton of primary schools toponyms in Mwimbi and Muthambi regions.The sample of these old people was readlily available since they are the ones who benefit from the government’s fund for the aged. Qualititive analysis and presentation of the data was done based on research objectives and research questions. The results of the study contributes to the general field of linguistics by revealing the methods of word formation used in the formation of names of places in Mwimbi and Muthambi regions. Additionally, results will act as reference for other researchers who would aspire to further their study on the topics of Onomastics in Mwimbi and Muthambi dialect. The research on Mwimbi and Muthambi toponyms is useful in preserving the cultural value of the people of Mwimbi and Muthambi.The findings of this study revealed the criteria for giving toponyms of primary schools of Mwimbi and Muthambi as physical, economic and social. The results of the study further revealed that the formation of toponyms of primary schools of Mwimbi and Muthambi were formed through the process of deletion and affixation that involved prefixation and suffixation in the root of the word or a base, inserting of affix -ni, -ka or -ga in a noun or the root of a word, compounding and the use of nouns directly as toponyms.The research also explained the importance of Mwimbi and Muthambi primary schools toponyms as an identity of the society such as the activities done by the people, the societal beliefs, culture and the contribution of major personalities in the society.