Access to Information, Personal and Social Needs as Learner Support Services in Open, Distance and E-Learning Programme in Selected Public Universities in Kenya
Rapid technological changes in education have become paramount towards meeting educational demands. The use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) has helped in bringing down the traditional barriers of access of quality education and training through Open, Distance and Electronic Learning (ODEL) mode of study. This can only be achieved with provision of adequate learner support. As such, the purpose of this study was to evaluate access of information, personal and social needs as learner support services in ODEL programme in selected public universities in Kenya. The research employed descriptive survey design as the
study relied on attitudes, opinions and the state of the services in the universities under the study. The study population target was 2028 students and 32 administrators. A sample size of 329 fourth year students was identified using Morgan and Krejcie (1970) statistical table while all the administrators took part in the study. Purposive sampling was used to select three public universities and three study regions where each of the three universities had a study centre. Stratified sampling technique was used to get a representation of students from each university while convenience sampling was used to select the students at each study centre from each university. Interview schedules for the directors and questionnaires for coordinators and
students were constructed to help in data collection. Questionnaires from students and coordinators were sorted and the directors� interview schedules were transcribed as per the objective. Descriptive statistics in form of tables and graphs were used to ease understanding of results. The study established that students rated majority of access of information and personal and social needs services offered by the selected universities as poor. Thus, the study recommended that institutions offering studies through ODEL programme should constantly assess the value of services that are offered to their students.